EventID: 3
Shortname: dbinterop
URL: https://evoinfo.nescent.org/Database_Interop_Hackathon
A variety of phylogenetic data resources are available in the form of on-line databases, providing data ranging from character state matrices (e.g., MorphBank, MorphoBank), molecular sequence alignments (e.g., BAliBASE, PANDIT), phylogenetic trees (e.g., TreeBASE), gene or protein trees (e.g., TreeFAM, PhylomeDB), species trees (e.g., Tree of Life), gene families (e.g., PhyloFacts, HOVERGEN), to species taxonomies (e.g., NCBI Taxonomy, ITIS, PaleoDB), and to analytic metadata such as divergence times (e.g., TimeTree).
Even though there is a rich and meticulously curated variety of on-line resources, their holdings are only available in incompatible formats lacking explicit semantics, and programmable APIs for querying the data are often not provided. NESCent seeks to address the resulting obstacle to interoperability and data integration by sponsoring a hackathon that brings together data and metadata experts and developers from a number of data providers with the developers of the emerging NeXML and CDAO standards.
There is both a list of use cases as well as a list of target projects / ideas
The main code repository was moved 15 March 2015 to github (https://github.com/NESCent/dbhack1) due to the impending demise of google code. Original source materials will have links to the google code repository.