Community and Code

Concise guide

Following up
...for a NESCent hackathon

Sample forms and letters


NESCent hackathons

Phyloinformatics (2006)
Comparative methods in R (2007)
Database interoperability (2009)
Phyloinformatics VoCamp (2009)
GMOD Evo (2010)
Phylotastic 1 (2012)
Phylotastic 2 (2013)
Tree-for-all (2014)
Population genetics in R (2015)

Structured data

Data about NESCent hackathons

Hackathon application templates

Under the NESCent hackathon model, a large number participants enrolls through open applications. We commonly managed this using google forms, which give users a friendly interface to fill out and which aggregate responses in an online spreadsheet. The PDF files here show what these forms looked like for some of the hackathons, while a generic application template can be copied from the following google doc:

To use this, go to the URL, then click “create a copy” to make your own version. The “Form” menu allows you to view or edit the form. Protect confidential applicant information by keeping the spreadsheet private, shared only with hackathon organizers.

Here are some examples of application forms:

The Comparative methods in R hackathon didn’t use an online form but asked candidate participants to respond in an email that addresses the points listed in comp_methods_R_application.txt.