Community and Code

Concise guide

Following up
...for a NESCent hackathon

Sample forms and letters


NESCent hackathons

Phyloinformatics (2006)
Comparative methods in R (2007)
Database interoperability (2009)
Phyloinformatics VoCamp (2009)
GMOD Evo (2010)
Phylotastic 1 (2012)
Phylotastic 2 (2013)
Tree-for-all (2014)
Population genetics in R (2015)

Structured data

Data about NESCent hackathons

Phylotastic 2

EventID: 7

Shortname: phylotastic2


Original proposal: NESCent HIP working group proposal


The Phylotastic project aims to enable convenient, computable, credible access to expert knowledge about the Tree of Life through a network of open-source webservices. When complete, Phylotastic will allow any scientist, educator or student to input a list of species and obtain a phylogeny in ready-to-use form on the fly. Phylotastic is the primary product of the NESCent’s Hackathons, Interoperability, Phylogenies (HIP) working group. It was conceived by the HIP leadership team in January 2012, and was initiated by several dozen participants at a NESCent hackathon on June 4-8, 2012.

The second phylotastic hackathon took place at iPlant’s headquarters in Tucson, Arizona on January 28 through February 1, 2013. This second hackathon built upon the architecture that the first created, and moved the project closer to a fully-functional alpha version. When complete, the Phylotastic alpha will include working prototypes of the central Phylotastic operations, which include storage and retrieval of expert species phylogenies, taxonomic name resolution, tree pruning and output of the requested phylogeny. In keeping with the general hackathon concept, we also provided opportunities for the 26 participants to propose and work on new directions related to the project’s core goals.


There is a list of pitches including 14 pitches with presenters listed.


List of final subgroups: subgroup outputs in the final report


Brief notes from pre-event engagement via hangout are available on the project page.

The project page also has partial information on the schedule and talks for day 1.

A gallery of images is available.