EventID: 4
Shortname: vocamp
URL: http://www.evoio.org/wiki/VoCamp1
Original proposal: http://www.evoio.org/wiki/VoCamp1/Proposal
Integrating diverse biological data with the historical process of evolution is a grand challenge for 21st century biology. The interoperability of data from diverse fields (e.g., genetics, ecology, biodiversity, biomedicine) requires a technology infrastructure based on formalized, shared vocabularies. Developing such vocabularies is a community project. In order to build controlled vocabularies and ontologies, the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) is sponsoring a “Phyloinformatics VoCamp”.
The Phyloinformatics VoCamp is a hands-on meeting for investigators to create and develop ontologies and lightweight vocabularies in support of integration and semantic cross-linking of evolutionary data with its many related fields. It was be held on November 7-11, 2009 in Montpellier, France, co-localized with the annual meeting of the International Biodiversity Information Standards Organization (TDWG).
There is a list of pitches developed before and at the event.